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knowledge about VITAMINS

knowledge about VITAMINS Vitamin A (Fat-soluble) Deficiency Symptoms night blindness loss of smell appetite loss Natural Sources Carrots, Fish liver oils, liver, green leafy vegetables . Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) water-soluble Deficiency Symptoms beriberi shortness of breath numb hands/feet Natural Sources Whole grains, brewers yeast, wheat germ, rice, seeds and milk. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) water-soluble Deficiency Symptoms cataracts corner of mouth cracks and sores poor digestion Natural Sources Liver, cheese, fish, eggs, seeds, and cooked leafy vegetables. Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Deficiency Symptoms dental cavities anemia Natural Sources Rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and green bell peppers. Vitamin D (Fat-soluble) Deficiency Symptoms tooth decay diarrhea Natural Sources Fortified milk, egg yolks, butter, fish liver oils, sardines, salmon, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds. Vitamin E (Fat-soluble) Deficiency Symp

Very important Technical Terms

Very important .sm der important  ...#Technical_Terms: • Study of earth and rocks — *Geology* • Study of living things — *Biology* • Study of celestial bodies —*Astronomy* • Study of the influence of planets and stars — *Astrology* • Scientific study of bodily diseases — *Pathology* • Study of languages — *Philology* • Study of bees — *Apiology* • Study of heart/heart diseases — *Cardiology* • Study of dogs — *Cynology* • Study of trees — *Dendrology* • Study of religion — *Theology* • Study of heredity — *Genetics* • Study of coins — *Numismatics* • Study of birds — *Ornithology* • Study of human development — *Anthropology* • Study of science of insects — *Entomology* • Study of problems of old age — *Gerontology* • Study of relation between organism and environment — *Ecology* • Study of flying aeroplanes — *Aviation* • Study of skin/skin diseases — *Dermatology* • Study of wine/wine making — *Enology/Oenology* • Study of cats — *Felinology* • Study of medici


SCIENTISTS • Ibn baitar was a Botanist • Kitab al Manazar on optical works was written by Ibn al Haitham • Mamoon observatory was established during the reign of Caliph Mamoon • Circulation of blood was described by a muslim scientist name Nafis Abdul al-Hasan. • Al-Khwarizimi was first person who used zero. • Muslim scientist Ali al Tabari is famous for his work on ___ (medical sciences) • Al Beruni discovered that light travels faster than sound. NOBLE PRIZE • Astronomers cannot be nominated for noble prize • Marie curie twice won Noble Prize. • First Nobel Prizes were awarded on 10 Dec: 1901. • What country awards the Nobel peace prize- Norway • Who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1972-Nobody • Who refused the Nobel Literature prize in 1958-Boris Pasternak • Who was the first American to receive the Nobel Literature prize Sinclair Lewis • Which Nobel Prize is not awarded annually in Stockholm Peace • Mother Teresa was awarded Nobel Prize in the field of peace. • The N


A SUMMARY OF HUMAN BIOLOGY 1: Number of Bones 206 2: Number of Muscles 639 3: Number of Kidneys 2 4: Number of Milk Teeth 20 5: Number of Ribs 24 (12 pair) 6: Number of Heart Chamber 4 7: Largest artery Aorta 8: Normal blood pressure 120/80mmHg 9: Ph of Blood 7.4 10: Number of vertebrae in the Spine 33 11: Number of vertebrae in the Neck 7 12: Number of Bones in Middle Ear 6 13: Number of Bones in Face 14 14: Number of Bones in Skull 22 15: Number of Bones in Chest 25 16: Number of Bones in Arms 6 17: Number of Muscles in Human Arm 72 18: Number of Pumps in Heart 2 19: Largest Organ Skin 20: Largest gland Liver 21: Biggest cell female Ovum 22: Smallest cell male Sperm 23: Smallest Bone Stapes 24: First transplanted Organ Heart 25: Average length of Small Intestine 7m 26: Average length of Large Intestine 1.5m 27: Average weight of new Born baby 2.6kg 28: Pulse rate in One Minute 72 times 29: Normal body temperature 37 C° (98.4 F°) 30: Average Blood Volume


#Note:- if you found any corrections then comment please..... PPSC__ASSISTANT__SUPERINTENDENT__JAIL__PAST__PAPER 1. Profane means a) Unholy b) Holy c) Lovely d) Ugly Ans A 2. Gorgeous means a) Glorious b) Splendor c) Worthy d) Costly Ans A 3. Theist means a) Believer b) Sectarian c) Scholar d) Worship Ans A 4. I am ignorant______ your faults. a) of b) in c) to d) on Ans A 5. I prefer milk _______ tea. a) to b) from c) for d) with Ans A 6. He is famous ____ his honesty. a) for b) in c) of d) to Ans A 7. I am keen_____ fashion. a) to b) for c) in d) to Ans A 8. Believe ______ Allah. a) in b) on c) at d) to Ans A 9. What is time _____ your watch. a) by b) in c) to d) on Ans A 10. I shall back____ you every time. a) up b) to c) of d) down Ans A 11. Lend a hand means. a) to help b) to lend money c) to talk d) to bring Ans A 12. Null and void means. a) void by law b) valid by law c) false d) True Ans A 13. Ins and outs means. a) explanati

Most Important Points About Pakistan

Most Important Points About Pakistan ______________________________________ 🇵🇰 Iran was first country to recognize Pakistan. 🇵🇰 Pakistan opened its first embassy in Iran. 🇵🇰Egypt was first country to open its embassy in Pakistan. 🇵🇰First governor of State Bank was Zahid Hussain. 🇵🇰First Lady governor was Rana Liaquat Ali (Sindh) 1973-1976. 🇵🇰First lady federal minister was Vikarun Nisa Noor (Tourism). 🇵🇰First state to join Pakistan was Bahawul Pur, 1954. 🇵🇰 Pakistan cricket team first visited England. (chk: India) 🇵🇰First captain of cricket team was Abdul Hafeez Kardar. 🇵🇰First century was completed by Nazar Mohammd against India in 1954 in Lacknow. 🇵🇰 First Woman University is located in Rawalpindi. 🇵🇰First governor of Punjab was Francis Moody. 🇵🇰First CM of Punjab was Iftikhar Hussain Mamdot. 🇵🇰First Governor of Sindh was Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah. 🇵🇰First CM of Sindh was Ayub Khoro. 🇵🇰 First Governor of Baluchistan was Lt


#FATHERS_OF_DIFFERENT_FIELDS. ★Father of Biology: *Aristotle* ★Father of Physics: *Albert Einstein* ★Father of Chemistry: *Jabir Bin Hayan* ★Father of Statistics: *Ronald Fisher* ★Father of Zoology: *Aristotle* ★Father of History: *Herodotus* ★Father of Microbiology: *Louis Pasteur* ★Father of Botany: *Theophrastus* ★Father of Algebra: *Diophantus* ★Father of Blood groups: *Landsteiner* ★Father of Electricity: *Benjamin Franklin* ★Father of Trigonometry: *Hipparchus* ★Father of Geometry: *Euclid* ★Father of Modern Chemistry: *Antoine Lavoisier* ★Father of Robotics: *Nikola Tesla* ★Father of Electronics: *Ray Tomlinson* ★Father of Internet: *Vinton Cerf* ★Father of Economics: *Adam Smith* ★Father of Video game: *Thomas T. Goldsmith, Jr.* ★Father of Architecture: *Imhotep* ★Father of Genetics: *Gregor Johann Mendel* ★Father of Nanotechnology: *Richard Smalley* ★Father of Robotics: *Al-Jazari* ★Father of C language: *Dennis Ritchie* ★Father of World Wide Web: *Ti