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Showing posts from September, 2018

Mountain’s and Range’s Geography of Pakistan

Mountain’s and Range’s Geography of Pakistan K-2 is the, highest peak, of Pakistan. K-2 peak is the ,2nd highest peak of the world,. K-2 is also known ,Goodwin Austin. K-2 is present in ,Krakoram mountain range Nanga Par bat, is the part of ,Himalayas. Karakoram Range links China with Pakistan. Hindukash range, separates Pakistan from Afghanistan,. The height of Trichmir peak, is 7690 meters. The salt range, is situated between rivers soan and Jhelum. The height of Nanga parbat peak, is 8126 meters. The height of Himalaya range increases, as it moves from south to north,. Nanga parbat mountain peaks is called, killer mountain,. The total height of K-2 peak is 8611 meters. Skaram ,is the highest peak of the Koh-e-Sufaid range,. the maximum height of Khirthar range, is2150 meters. The height of Takhat-e-sulaiman peak, is 3500 meters. The height of sakasar peak, is 1500 meters. The highest peak of Himalayas range, in Pakistan is Nanga parbat. The highest peak of Karakoram Range ...

Geography of Pakistan MCQs

GeographyofPakistan: 1. Pakistan is divided into five ,physiographical divisions,. 2. 796096 the total area of Pakistan,. 3. Pakistan lies between the latitudes,24N to 37N. 4. Pakistan lies between the longitudes, 61 E to 75.5 E. 5. In 1963 year boundary agreement ,was signed by Pakistan and China,. 6. Wakhan, separates Pakistan ,from Tajikistan,. 7. Area of Wakhan is ,under the control, of Afghanistan. 8. The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, is called Durand lines,. 9. In 1972 line of control came into existence. 10. The length of Pak-China border, is 595 km,. 11. The length of Pak-Afghan border, is 2252 km,. 12. The length of Pak-Iran border ,is 805 km,. 13. The length of Pak-India border, is 1610 km. 14. The total length of land border ,with different countries is 5262km. 15. The total length of coastline of Pakistan, 1046km. 16. Iran is located south west of Pakistan,. 17. China is located north and north east of Pakistan,. 18. India is located east...
KPPSC LECTURER IN COMPUTER SCIENCE TEST MCQS. Today kppsc lecturer in Computer science Note:***†******†************************** These Topics were in test it just for idea ****************************************** 1)which the following is used to get single character.   Putch, getch, getcha, scanf.   2)a page fault occur when?   No page in Ram √.   3)backup file of another file. Bak√   4)A system program that setsup an excitable program in Main Memory for execution is? Loader√, linker, assemble, compiler. 5)Whih the following register carries address data? 6)case sensitive language? C√. 7)number of process completed in per unit time is known as? Throughput √. 8)Dirty bit is used for? 09)router table hold? Logical Address, Physical Address, Destination, Source . 10)Two types of O. S? Timesharing and Real Time. 11)the output of assembly language is? O. P 12) Most commonly used protocol in lan? 13)FDDI used ...

Kppsc Computer Lecturer Test

Note:*******Please ReCheck Answer******* KPPSC LECTURER IN COMPUTER SCIENCE TEST MCQS. 1. Which is a permanent database in the general model of compiler? A. Literal Table B. Identifier Table C. Terminal Table D. Source code E. None of the above Answer: Option C 2. What is the name of the technique in which the operating system of a computer executes several programs concurrently by switching back and forth between them? A. Partitioning B. Multitasking C. Windowing D. Paging E. None of the above Answer: Option B 3. The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is known as A. multiprogramming B. spooling C. caching D. virtual programming E. None of the above Answer: Option B 4. If the number of bits in a virtual address of a program is 16 and the page size is 0.5 K bytes, the number of pages in the virtual address space is A. 16 B. 32 C...


IMPORTANT MCQs ■》 1. When the stock market is rising it is called Bullish. ■》2. When the stock market is falling it is called Bearish ■》3. Pakistan’s fiscal year starts from 1st July and end 30 June. ■》4. State Bank of Pakistan was established in July 1st 1948 ■》5. Headquarters of UNESCO (United Nations Education Scientific and Cultural Organization) is located in Brussels, Belgium. ■》6. Headquarters of RAW (Research and Analysis Wing, Secret agency of India) is located in New Delhi, India. ■》7. RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) was established in 21 September 1968. ■》8. The currency of IMF (International Monetary Fund) is called SDRs (Special Drawing Right). ■》9. Father of Economics, Adam Smith and Adam Smith book “Wealth of Nations” (1776) is also known as “Bible of Capitalism” ■》10. Father of Socialism Karl Marx and his book “Das Capital” (1867) is also known as “Bible of Socialism” ■》11. Death Valley is located in California USA. ■》12. Genesis is a last boo...


#Longest_Rivers_In_Pakistan               ■》1 Indus 1,988 miles (shared with India and China) ■》2 Sutlej 901 miles (shared with India and China) ■》3 Chenab 597 miles (shared with India) ■》4 Jhelum 505 miles (shared with India) ■》5 Ravi 447 miles (shared with India) ■》6 Kabul 435 miles (shared with Afghanistan) ■》7 Shyok 342 miles (shared with India) ■》8 Kunar 298 miles (shared with Afghanistan) ■》9 Gomal 249 miles (shared with Afghanistan) ■》10 Zhob 240 miles #Knowledge04All

List of Constitutional Amendments In Pakistan

List_of_Constitutional_Amendments_In............_Pakistan ▪ *1st AMENDMENT(1974)*  ▪Redefined Boundaries Of Pakistan ▪ *2nd AMENDMENT(1974)* ▪Declared Ahmadis As *Non Muslim's.* ▪ *3rd AMENDMENT(1975)* ▪Extend The Period Of Preventive Detention. ▪ *Preventive Detention means* detain a person at any unknown place *whose acts are against the integrity of State.* ▪ *4th AMENDMENT (1975)* ▪Give Additional Seats For *Minorities* . ▪ *5th AMENDMENT(1976)* ▪Widened The Scope Of Restrictions On *High Court.* ▪ *6th AMENDMENT(1976)* ▪The Judges Of High Court and Supreme Court  Will Retire At The Age Of *62&65 Respectively.* ▪ *7th AMENDMEND(1977)* ▪Give Powers To Prime Minister To Seek *Vote Of Confidence At any Time* From The People Of Pakistan. ▪ *8th AMENDMENT (1985)* ▪Semi Presidential System Of Government Introduced From Parliamentary System Of Government ...

M.C.Qs for test Preparation

300 Most Repeated Questions (Custom Inspector/Intelligence Officer) (FPSC Written Test) 1. The river Danube rises in which country? Germany. 2. Which US state has the sugar maple as its state tree and is the leading US producer of maple sugar? Vermont. 3. Which country is nicknamed ‘The Cockpit of Europe’ because of the number of battles throughout history fought on its soil? Belgium. 4. What is the capital of Libya? Tripoli. 5. Apart from French, German and Romansch, what is the fourth official language of the Switzerland? Italian. 6. Which country is the world’s largest producer of coffee? Brazil. 7. In which city was the world’s first underground train was service opened in 1863? London. 8. How many pairs of ribs are there in the human body? 12. 9. Which country is separated form Ethiopia by the Red Sea? Yemen. 10. What is the main port of Italy? Genoa. 11. Mount Logan is the highest peak in which country? Canada. 12. In which state is Harvard University? Ne...