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Kppsc Computer Lecturer Test

Note:*******Please ReCheck Answer******* KPPSC LECTURER IN COMPUTER SCIENCE TEST MCQS. 1. Which is a permanent database in the general model of compiler? A. Literal Table B. Identifier Table C. Terminal Table D. Source code E. None of the above Answer: Option C 2. What is the name of the technique in which the operating system of a computer executes several programs concurrently by switching back and forth between them? A. Partitioning B. Multitasking C. Windowing D. Paging E. None of the above Answer: Option B 3. The process of transferring data intended for a peripheral device into a disk (or intermediate store) so that it can be transferred to peripheral at a more convenient time or in bulk, is known as A. multiprogramming B. spooling C. caching D. virtual programming E. None of the above Answer: Option B 4. If the number of bits in a virtual address of a program is 16 and the page size is 0.5 K bytes, the number of pages in the virtual address space is A. 16 B. 32 C. 64 D. 128 E. None of the above Answer: Option D 5. Which table is a permanent database that has an entry for each terminal symbol. A. Terminal table B. Literal table C. Identifier table D. Reductions E. None of the above Answer: Option A 6. Data encryption A. is mostly used by public networks B. is mostly used by financial networks C. cannot be used by private installations D. is not necessary, since data cannot be intercepted E. None of the above 7. The problem of thrashing is affected significantly by: A. program structure B. program size C. primary-storage size D. all of the above E. None of the above Answer: Option A 8. The computational technique used to compute the disk storage address of individual records is called: A. bubble memory B. key fielding C. dynamic reallocation D. hashing E. None of the above Answer: Option D 9. The file structure that redefines its first record at a base of zero uses the term: A. relative organization B. key fielding C. dynamic reallocation D. hashing E. None of the above Answer: Option A 10. What is the initial value of the semaphore to allow only one of the many processes to enter their critical section? A. 8 B. 1 C. 16 D. 0 E. None of the above Answer: Option B 11. The errors that can be pointed out by the compiler are A. Syntax errors B. Semantic errors C. Logical errors D. Internal errors E. None of the above Answer: Option A 12. The state transition initiated by the user process itself in an operating system is A. block B. dispatch C. wake up D. timer run out E. None of the above Answer: Option A 13. In which addressing mode, the address of the location of the operand is given explicitly as a part of the instruction. A. absolute mode B. immediate mode C. index mode D. modulus mode E. None of the above Answer: Option A 14. Special software to create a job queue is called a A. Drive B. Spooler C. Interpreter D. Linkage editor E. None of the above Answer: Option B 15. In a magnetic disk, data is recorded in a set of concentric tracks which are subdivided into A. periods B. sectors C. zones D. groups E. None of the above Answer: Option B 16. Part of a program where the shared memory is accessed and which should be executed invisibly, is called A. semaphores B. directory C. critical section D. mutual exclusion E. None of the above Answer: Option C 17. What is the name of the operating system that reads and reacts in terms of actual time. A. Batch system B. Quick response system C. Real time system D. Time sharing system E. None of the above 18. Which of the following, is necessary to work on a computer A. Compiler B. Operating system C. Assembly D. Interpreter of the above E. None of the above Answer: Option B 19. Which of the following filename extension suggests that the file is a backup copy of another file? A. TXT B. COM C. BAS D. BAK E. None of the above Answer: Option D 20. The command interpreter 21. is usually the primary user interface B. requires fixed format commands C. is menu drive D. is quite different from the SCL interpreter E. None of the above Answer: Option A 22. In which addressing mode, the effective address of the operand is generated by adding a constant value to the contents of register? A. absolute mode B. indirect mode C. immediate mode D. index mode E. None of the above Answer: Option D 23. Which of the following terms refers to the degree to which data in a database system are accurate and correct? A. data security B. data validity C. data independence D. data integrity E. None of the above Answer: Option D 24. A compiler for a high-level language that runs on one machine and produces code for a different machine is called is A. optimizing compiler B. one pass compiler C. cross compiler D. multipass compiler E. None of the above Answer: Option C #Knowledge04All #ComputerScience #ComputerMCQs


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