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★Father of Biology: *Aristotle*
★Father of Physics: *Albert Einstein*
★Father of Chemistry: *Jabir Bin Hayan*
★Father of Statistics: *Ronald Fisher*
★Father of Zoology: *Aristotle*
★Father of History: *Herodotus*
★Father of Microbiology: *Louis Pasteur*
★Father of Botany: *Theophrastus*
★Father of Algebra: *Diophantus*
★Father of Blood groups: *Landsteiner*
★Father of Electricity: *Benjamin Franklin*
★Father of Trigonometry: *Hipparchus*
★Father of Geometry: *Euclid*
★Father of Modern Chemistry: *Antoine Lavoisier*
★Father of Robotics: *Nikola Tesla*
★Father of Electronics: *Ray Tomlinson*
★Father of Internet: *Vinton Cerf*
★Father of Economics: *Adam Smith*
★Father of Video game: *Thomas T. Goldsmith, Jr.*
★Father of Architecture: *Imhotep*
★Father of Genetics: *Gregor Johann Mendel*
★Father of Nanotechnology: *Richard Smalley*
★Father of Robotics: *Al-Jazari*
★Father of C language: *Dennis Ritchie*
★Father of World Wide Web: *Tim Berners-Lee*
★Father of Search engine: *Alan Emtage*
★Father of Periodic table: *Dmitri Mendeleev*
★Father of Taxonomy: *Carolus Linnaeus*
★Father of Surgery (early): *Sushruta*
★Father of Mathematics: *Archimedes*
★Father of Medicine: *Hippocrates*
★Father of Homeopathy: *Samuel Hahnemann*
★Father of Law: *Cicer*


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