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Showing posts from January, 2019

154_Important_Mcqs History

#154_Important_Mcqs 1. He was the Governor – General of Indo-Pakistan before Mountbatten: Lord Wavel 2. Mountbatten came to India in March 1947 3. Mountbatten was an officer in British Navy 4. Plan for the Separation of Indo Pakistan was announced on 23rd June 1947 5. Election to the First Constituent Assembly of Pakistan took place in: 1946 6. The first Cabinet of Pakistan consisted of 7 members. 7. Finance Portfolio in the first Cabinet was held by Malik Ghulam Muhammad. 8. The Chief Minister of the following province refused to salute the Pakistani flag in 1947: NWFP 9. CM of NWFP Doctor Khan Sahib was dismissed by Quaid e Azam who was his successor? 10. Chief Minister of the following Province was dismissed by Quaid e Azam Bengal 11. Approximate population of Pakistan at the inception in 1947 was 7 crores 12. First census of Pakistan was held in 1951 13. Population of west Pakistan in 1951was 34 million 14. The only country to oppose Pakistan...

World Intelligence agencies information

CIA intelligence agency of USA was established in A. 1943 B. 1944 C. 1946 D. 1947 Answer is = D AMAN is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. Canada C. Italy D. USA Answer is = A CIA is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. Canada C. Italy D. USA Answer is = D MI 6 is the secret agency of? A. UK B. Canada C. Italy D. USA Answer is = A MOSSAD is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. Canada C. Italy D. USA Answer is = A RAW is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. Canada C. India D. USA Answer is = C KGB is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. Canada C. Italy D. Russia Answer is = D MI 5 is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. UK C. Italy D. USA Answer is = B SCOTLAND YARD is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. Canada C. Italy D. UK Answer is = D MUST is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. Canada C. Italy D. Sweden Answer is = D MIT is the secret agency of? A. Israel B. Canada C. Turkey D. USA Answer is = C DST is the secret agency of? A. ...


#Past_Paper_of_ASI 1). The word Muhammad (SAW) as a name has been mentioned in Quran only: (b) Four times 2). Khateeb–ul-Anbia as a title of: (d) Hazrat Shoaib (AS) 3). A Verse of the Holy Quran indicates the name of: (d) Hazrat Zaid (RA) 4). Masjid Zu Qiblatain is situated in: (a) Madina 5). Which Surah of Quran has Bismillah twice: (b) Al Namal 6). Sadaq-e-Eid-ul-fitr has been proclaimed in the year: (a) 2 Hijri 7). Imam-e-Dar-ul-Hijrat was a title of: (b) Imam Malik 8). Ameen–ul-Umat is the title of Hazrat: (c) Abu-ubaida bin Al jaraah (RA) 9). Arafat gathering is held on: (b) 9 Zil hajj 10. How much Surah the Quran contains: c. 114 11- The Nisab of Zakat in gold is: c. 7 ½ Tolas 12. The original name of Imam Bukhari is: d. Muhammad bin Ismail 13. Makka was conquered in: d. 8 A.H 14. Jami-i-Quran is taken for: c.Hazrat Usman (R.A) 15. Pious-Caliphate lasted for about: c. Thirty Years 16. Abyssinia is the old name of: (a) ...


#Geography_of_Pakistan☺ 1. Pakistan is divided into five ,physiographical divisions. 2. 796096 the total area of Pakistan,. 3. Pakistan lies between the latitudes,24N to 37N. 4. Pakistan lies between the longitudes, 61 E to 75.5 E. 5. In 1963 year boundary agreement ,was signed by Pakistan and China,. 6. Wakhan, separates Pakistan ,from Tajikistan. 7. Area of Wakhan is ,under the control, of Afghanistan. 8. The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, is called Durand lines,. 9. In 1972 line of control came into existence. 10. The length of Pak-China border, is 595 km,. 11. The length of Pak-Afghan border, is 2252 km,. 12. The length of Pak-Iran border ,is 805 km,. 13. The length of Pak-India border, is 1610 km. 14. The total length of land border ,with different countries is 5262km. 15. The total length of coastline of Pakistan, 1046km. 16. Iran is located south west of Pakistan,. 17. China is located north and north east of Pakistan,. 18. India is located east...

Important_Mcq's Before_Partitions of Pakistan and india

#Important_Mcq's☺ #Before_Partitions Q. When Nadir Shah invaded on India? Ans. 1739. Q. When the Battle of Plasy was fought? Ans. 1758. Q. Sultan Tepu was defeated by the British in the year: Ans. 1799. Q. In which year War of Independence was fought: Ans. 1857. Q. Where Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental school was established: Ans. Aligarh. Q. Who established Indian National Congress? Ans. A.Hume. Q. When Congress was established? Ans. 1885. Q. When Sir Syed was born? Ans. 1817 Q. When Sir Syed died? Ans. 1898 Q. When was Bengal partitioned? Ans. 1905. Q. When the partition of Bengal was annulled? Ans. 1911. Q. When did Quaid-e-Azam join Muslim League? Ans. 1913. Q. When did the First World War started? Ans. 1914. Q. When did the First World War came to an end? Ans. 1918. Q. When did the Muslim League came into existence? Ans. 30 Dec 1906. Q.Who was the first President of Muslim League? Ans. Sir Agha Khan. Q. When did Simla deputation c...


#PASSIVE_VOICE_RULES_FOR_ALL_TENSES: The places of subject and object in sentence are inter-changed in passive voice. #3rd form of verb (past participle) will be used only (as main verb) in passive voice. Auxiliary verbs for each tense are given below in the table. #Present_Simple_Tense (passive Voice) Auxiliary verb in passive voice: #am/#is/ #are Active voice: He sings a song. He does not sing a song.Does he sing a song? #Passive_voice: A song is sung by him. A song is not sung by him. Is a song sung by him? #Present_Continuous_Tense (passive Voice) Auxiliary verb in passive voice: #am_being/ #is_being/#are_being Active voice: I am writing a letter I am not writing a letter. Am I writing a letter? #Passive_voice: A letter is being written by me. A letter is not being written by me. Is a letter being written by me? #Present_Perfect_Tense (passive Voice) Auxiliary verb in passive voice: #has_been/ #have_been Active voice: She has finished her work She ...


#Some_Basic_Islamic_Information. 1 How many Sura are in Holy Quran ? 114 2 How many Verses are in Holy Quran ? 6666 3 How many dots are in Holy Quran ? 1015030. 4 How many over bar (zaber) are in Holy Quran ? 93243 5 How many under bar ( Zaer ) are in Holy Quran ? 39586 6 How many Raque are in Holy Quran ? 558 7 How many stop ( Waqf ) are in Holy Quran ? 5098. 8 How many Thashdeed are in Holy Quran ? 19253. 9 How many letters are in Holy Quran ? 323671 10 How many pash are in Holy Quran ? 4808 11 How many Madd are in Holy Quran ? 1771 12 How many words are in Holy Quran ? 77701 13 How many parts of Holy Quran ? 30 14 How many time Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem is repeated ? 114 15 How many Sura start with Besmillah Al-Rahmaan Al-Raheem ? 113 16 How many time the word 'Quran' is repeated in Holy Quran ? 70. 17 Which is the longest Sura of Holy Quran ? Al-Baqarah. 18 Which is the best drink mentioned in Holy ...

Important Abbreviations

Important Abbreviations #POLICE : Public Officer for Legal Investigations and Criminal Emergencies. #VIP : Very Important Person. #SHO : Station House Officer. #BBC : British Broadcasting Corporation. #CID : Criminal Investigation Department. #CSP : Civil Service of Pakistan. #CSS :Central Superior Services. #FANA: Federally Administered Northern Areas. #FATA : Federally Administered Tribal Areas. #GDP : Gross Domestic Product. #GHQ : General Head Quarter. #FIR : First Information Report. #IBM : International Business Machines. #ISPR: Inter Services Public Relation. #ISSB : Inter Services Selection Board. #NOC : No Objection Certificate. #OIC : Organization of Islamic Conference. #PCS : Public Srrvice Commission. #SAARC: South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation. #SSG: Special Services Group. #UNICEF: United Nation International Children Emergency Fund. #WASA: Water and Sanitation Agency. #ISAF: International Security Association Force. #LPG: Liquefied Pet...


##Important_G_knowledge ● Largest Airport : King Abdul Khalid International Airport (Saudi Arabia) ● Highest Ai Imp_G_knowledge rport : Lhasa Airport, Tibet ● Tallest Animal : Giraffe ● Largest Animal : Blue Bottom whale ● Largest Bay : Hudson Bay, Canada. ● Fastest Bird : Swift ● Largest Bird : Ostrich ● Smallest Bird : Humming bird ● Longest Bridge : Huey P. Long Bridge (USA) ● Tallest Building : Dubai Burj (Dubai) ● Longest Canal : Baltic sea White Canal ● Largest Cathedral : Cathedral Church of New York ● Largest Cemetry : Ohlsdorf Cemetry (Hamburg, Germany) ● Largest Church : Balisca of St. Peter in the Vatican City, Rome. ● Largest Continent : Asia ● Smallest Continent : Australia ● Largest Country (Area) : Russia ● Smallest Country (Area) : Vatican City ● Biggest Cinema House : Roxy, New York ● Highest City : Wenchuan, China ● Most Populous City : Tokyo ● Longest Day : June 21 ● Shortest Day : December 22 ● Largest Delta : Sunderban (India) ● Largest Des...


TOP 10 WEBSITES with their LAUNCH YEAR: * Google :         Sept 4, 1998 * Facebook :    Feb 4, 2004 * YouTube :      Feb 14, 2005 * Yahoo :          March 1994 * Baidu :           Jan 1, 2000 * Wikipedia :    Jan 15, 2001 * Windows :     Nov 1, 2005 * Amazon :       1994 * Tencent QQ : February 1999 * Twitter :         March 21, 2006 * WhatsApp :   Feb 24,2009

Synonyms and antonyms with Urdu easy translations

Synonyms and antonyms with Urdu easy translations Spradically اتفاق سے constantly ✓ominous منحوس auspicious خوشحال ✓Decent باحیا Vulgar بازاری ✓Unruly سرکشی obedient فرمانبرداری ✓seldom کبھی کبھار often اکثر ✓Luminous منور Dim دھندلا ✓dispenaible چھوڑنے لائق useful قابل استعمال ✓barbarious وحشی civilized مہذب ✓Timid ڈرپوک bold دلیر ✓ample کشادہ meager کم حقیر ✓censure ملامت کرنا applaud داد تالی بجانا ✓premeditation پہلے سے ٹھان لینا impromptu غیر ارادہ ✓clumsy بے سلیقہ graceful خوش اسلوبی ✓confess اقرار deny انکار ✓quiescent خاموش active متحرک ✓expand بڑھانا condense کم کرنا ✓Aliene غیر ملکی native , وطنی ✓garrulous بک بک reticent کم سخن ، خاموش ✓thrifty کم خرچ extravagent فضول خرچ ✓putrid سڑا ہوا fresh ✓entangle الجھانا untwist ✓peevish چڑچڑا ،تند خو genial خوشگوار ✓piquant دلچسپ ،لبھانے والا shocking چونکا دینے والا ✓gruesome نفرت انگیز attractive ✓awe احترام contempt ذلت ✓Amend سیدھی راہ پر آنا debase بے قدر ✓wean مشکل سے الگ کرنا attach ✓forbid باز رکھ...


CITIES ON RIVER BANKS • Venice stands on what river-The Arno • New York is on River Hudson’s bank. • Budapest is located on the bank of Danube river. • Paris is situated on the river Rhine. • River passing through Paris... The Siens • Paris is located ont eh bank of Seine river. • Agra is on the bank of Jamuna River. • On river Danube Budapest is located. • On river Siene Paris is located. • Montreal is situated on the bank of river Ottawa • The city of Bonn is situated in Germany • Calcutta is situated on Hoogli River. • Belgrade stands on the river Danube. • Rome is located beside the river Timber. • Attock lies on River Indus. • Baghdad lies on Tigris. • Bahawalpur lies on Sutlej. • Basra lies on Shatt-al-Arab. • Bedford lies on Danube. • Berlin lies on Spree. • Bonn (Germany) lies on Rhine. • Brussels (Belgium) lies on Senno. • Budapest (Hungary) lies on Danube. • Cairo lies on Nile. • Kolkata lies on Hoogli. • Chittagong lies on Karnaphuli. • Dhaka lies ...


IMPORTANT DAYS • International Day for the elimination of racial discrimination is observed on 21 March. • World environment day is observed on 5th June. • International day of peace is observed on 3rd Tuesday of September. • World food day is observed on 16 October. • International women’s day is observed on 8th March. • World health day is observed on 7th April. • Universal children’s day is observed on 20 November. • World’s aids day is observed on 1 December. • United nation’s day is observed on 24th October. • International day of disabled person is observed on 3 December. • Human rights day is observed on 10 December. • Press day is celebrated on 3rd May. • Kashmir Solidarity Day is observed on 5 Feb. • In France the Bastille Day is celebrated on 14th July. • International Literacy day is observed on 8 Sep. • World children day is observed on 8th March. • Human rights day is observed on 10th Dec. • Day against drug trafficking is observed on 26 June. • 22 March...