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1. Pakistan is divided into five ,physiographical divisions.
2. 796096 the total area of Pakistan,.
3. Pakistan lies between the latitudes,24N to 37N.
4. Pakistan lies between the longitudes, 61 E to 75.5 E.
5. In 1963 year boundary agreement ,was signed by Pakistan and China,.
6. Wakhan, separates Pakistan ,from Tajikistan.
7. Area of Wakhan is ,under the control, of Afghanistan.
8. The border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, is called Durand lines,.
9. In 1972 line of control came into existence.
10. The length of Pak-China border, is 595 km,.
11. The length of Pak-Afghan border, is 2252 km,.
12. The length of Pak-Iran border ,is 805 km,.
13. The length of Pak-India border, is 1610 km.
14. The total length of land border ,with different countries is 5262km.
15. The total length of coastline of Pakistan, 1046km.
16. Iran is located south west of Pakistan,.
17. China is located north and north east of Pakistan,.
18. India is located east of Pakistan,.
19. Afghanistan is located west of Pakistan,.
20. India ocean is located in south of Pakistan,.
21. Punjab covered the total area is205344 sqkm,.
22. Sindh covered the total area is140914 sqkm,.
23. Baluchitan covered the total area is347190 sqkm,.
24. N.W.F.P covered the total area is74521 sqkm,.
25. Islamabad covered the total area is906 sqkm,.
26. F.A.T.A covered the total area is2720 sqkm,.
27. According to international law ,Pakistan’s ,territorial sea limits is 12 nm.,
28. 58% area of Pakistan is covered by mountain, and plateaus,.
29. 42% area of Pakistan is covered by ,plains and deserts,.
30. Mountains and Ranges,
31. K-2 is the, highest peak, of Pakistan.
32. K-2 peak is the ,2nd highest peak of the world,.
33. K-2 is also known ,Goodwin Austin.
34. K-2 is present in ,Krakoram mountain range,.
35. Nanga Par bat, is the part of ,Himalayas.
36. Karakoram Range links China with Pakistan.
37. Hindukash range, separates Pakistan from Afghanistan,.
38. The height of Trichmir peak, is 7690 meters.
39. The salt range, is situated between rivers soan and Jhelum.
40. The height of Nanga parbat peak, is 8126 meters.
41. The height of Himalaya range increases, as it moves from south to north,.
42. Nanga parbat mountain peaks is called, killer mountain,.
43. The total height of K-2 peak is 8611 meters.
44. Skaram ,is the highest peak of the Koh-e-Sufaid range,.
45. the maximum height of Khirthar range, is2150 meters.
46. The height of Takhat-e-sulaiman peak, is 3500 meters.
47. The height of sakasar peak, is 1500 meters.
48. The highest peak of Himalayas range, in Pakistan is Nanga parbat.
49. The highest peak of Karakoram Range in Pakistan is K-2.
50. The highest peak of Hindukush range, in Pakistan is Trichmir,.
51. The highest peak of salt range, is sakasar,.
52. The highest peak of, Koh-e- Sulaiman range is Takhat-e- Sulaiman,.
53. The average height Karakoram Range, is7000 meters.
54. Chaghi range separates Baluchistan plateau, from Afghanistan.
55. Ashraf Anan, was the first Pakistani to climb the K-2,.
56. Five peaks In Pakistan there are higher than 8000, meters,.
57. The height of broad peak, is 8047 meters.
58. In 1957 the broad peak was first climbed.

1. The pass which connects Abbot Abad and Gilgat, is Babusar pass,.
2. The pass which connects Dir with Kohistan, district Badawi pass,.
3. The highest pass in Pakistan,an ancient trading route, between Kashmir and china, situatedat the height of 5575 is Karakoram pass,.
4. The pass which connects Sindh plain, with, Queeta is Bolanpass,.
5. The pass which connects Chitralwith Wahkan, is, Baroghil pass,.
6. The pass which connects, Mardan with Malakand,.is,Dargai pass,.
7. The pass which connects Dera Ismail khan with Ghazni, (Afghanistan) is ,Gomal pass,.
8. The pass which connects ,Qila Abdullah with Chaman, is Khojak pass,.
9. The height of Khunjrab pass, is 4555 meters.
10. The worlds’ highest passes ,such as Khunjrab Lawari and Shandoor, are situated in Western mountain range,.
11. The pass which connects Peshawar with Afghanistan, is Lawaripass,.
12. the total length of Khyber pass, is 63 km.
13. The pass which connects Gilgat with China, it is situated at the height of 4827 meters is, Zagar pass,.
14. The pass which connects Peshawar with Chitral is Malakand pass,.

1. There is no desert in N, W.F.P province of Pakistan.
2. In Baluchistan province the desert Kharan ,is situated.
3. There are two deserts in Punjab.
4. The desert of ,Thar is situated in Sindh,.
5. Thar is the largest desert of Pakistan, and also known as friendly desert,.
6. The desert of Thal, situated in Punjab,.

1. 13% area of mountain region is covered by glacier in Pakistan.
2. In Pakistan glaciers covers the area of 13680 sqkm.
3. Siachen, Hispar, Biafo, Batura, Chogo Lungma and Yengunta glaciers, are present in Karakoram Range.
4. Siachen glacier, is present in the region of Baltistan.
5. The total length of Siachen glacier, is 72.5 km.
6. Batura, is the 2nd largest glacier of Pakistan, with the length of 64.5 km,.
7. Baltoro glacier, is situated in the mountain range of Karakoram,.
8. Siachen, is the highest glacier of Pakistan.
9. The total length of Hispar glacier, is 61 meter.
10. Siachen is the longest glacier ,of Pakistan.
11. The total length of Baltoro glacier, is 58 km.
12. The total length of Siachen glacier, is 20000 feet.

1. Lalusar, lake is located in ,Kaghan,.
2. keenjher lake, is located near ,Thatta Sindh,.
3. Hamune lake ,is located in Baluchistan.
4. Phander lake, is located in N.W.F.P.
5. Manchhar lake, is located near Dadu Sindh.
6. Saif-ul-Maluk lake, is located in Kaghan.
7. The largest lake, of Pakistan is Manchhar.
8. Hina lake, is located near Queeta.
9. Kalar kahar, lake is located in Salt Range.(Chakwal Punjab)
10. Hub lake, is located near Karachi Sindh.
11. Haleji lake, is located in Sindh.(Paradise of birds)
12. Kachura lake, is located is situated in Skardu.
13. Sat Para lake, is located near Baltistan.
14. Rawal lake, is located in Islamabad.
15. Keenjhar, is the largest lake of Pakistan.
16. Manchhar, is the largest fresh water lake.

1. Jehlum and Chenab, rivers meet at Trimmu.
2. All rivers of Punjab enter into river Indus at Kot Mithan.
3. River Indus also known as ,Abaseen river,Attock river and, Skardu river,.
4. The smallest river, of Pakistan is Ravi.
5. Name the longest river, of Pakistan is Indus,.
6. The total length of river Indus is 2900km.
7. The total length of river Ravi, is 715km.
8. Harrapa city, is situated on the bank of Ravi.
9. The river in Pakistan whose annual flow is twice,that of the Nile is river Indus,.
10. The Indus River rises, from Tibet,.
11. There are seven rivers, flow in Baluchistan,.
12. Hingol is the largest river of Baluchistan.
13. Indus River ends, at ArabianSea,.
14. There are four rivers, flow in Sindh,.
15. Panjkora River, is located in N.W.F.P.
16. there are five rivers flow, in Punjab.
17. There are eight rivers flow in N.W.F.P.
18. Bolan River, is located in Baluchistan.
19. Baran River, is located in Sindh.
20. Most of the country’s rivers flow into Indus River.
21. There are twenty four rivers in Pakistan.
22. Dasht River, is located in Baluchistan.
23. Porali River, is located in Baluchistan.
24. Gomal and Karam rivers, are located in N.W.F.P.
25. Indus River is called Nile ,of Pakistan.


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