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knowledge about VITAMINS

knowledge about VITAMINS
Vitamin A
Deficiency Symptoms
night blindness
loss of smell
appetite loss
Natural Sources
Carrots, Fish liver oils, liver, green leafy vegetables .
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin)
Deficiency Symptoms
shortness of breath
numb hands/feet
Natural Sources
Whole grains, brewers yeast, wheat germ, rice, seeds and milk.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
Deficiency Symptoms
corner of mouth cracks and sores
poor digestion
Natural Sources
Liver, cheese, fish, eggs, seeds, and cooked leafy vegetables.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)
Deficiency Symptoms
dental cavities
Natural Sources
Rose hips, citrus fruits, black currants, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and green bell peppers.
Vitamin D
Deficiency Symptoms
tooth decay
Natural Sources
Fortified milk, egg yolks, butter, fish liver oils, sardines, salmon, mushrooms, and sunflower seeds.
Vitamin E
Deficiency Symptoms
enlarged prostrate gland
Natural Sources
Wheat germ, brussel sprouts, leafy greens, vegetable oils, and eggs.
Vitamin K (Menadione)
Deficiency Symptoms
nose bleeds
Natural Sources
Kelp, alfalfa, yogurt, safflower oil, fish liver oil, and leafy green vegetables.
• Deficiency of vitamin A causes dryness of skin and night blindness
• Skin food is Vitamin C
• Vitamin C is also called Ascorbic Acid it prevents scurvy
• Vitamin C is also necessary for utilization of iron
• The food which contains largest amount of Vitamin C is tomato
• Cod liver oil contains Vitamin D
• Collagen is the substance that gives elasticity to skin
• Vitamin E promotes oxygenation and acts as anti aging
• Carbon dioxide we release comes from food we eat
• Vitamin B2 has what other name Riboflavin
• Fats are made of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
• Vitamin E is called anti-aging agent
• Vitamin E helps in fertility process
• Vitamin B helps maintain normal appetite and good digestion
• Protein found in milk is Casein, in beans is Legumes, in meat is myosin and in eggs is albumin
• Water soluble vitamin are B and C and all other are fat soluble
• Vitamin A is stored as Ester in liver
• Vitamin A is found in carotene bearing plants
• Vitamin K helps to form prothrobin (fibro gin) one of the enzymes helpful in blood clotting
• Vitamin E is necessary for iron utilization; normal reproductive function. Vitamin E is for reproduction.
• Vitamin A is found in Dairy products
• Deficiency of Vitamin A causes Night blindness.
• Too much presence of the Potassium salt in human blood increase the risk of heart attack.
• The lack of calcium in the diet causes what condition-Rickets
• Celluloses are carbohydrates.
• Milk contains lactose.
• Vitamin C is a preventor of infectious disease
• Vitamin C is also called Skin food
• Vitamin C can easily be lost in cooking and food storage
• Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism.
• Vitamin C hastens healing of wounds
• Vitamin capable of formation of blood is B12
• Riches source of Vitamin D is code liver oil
• Riches source of Vitamin A is eggs
• Deficiency of Calcium leads to rickets
• Vitamin B1 is available is yeast.
• Scury, arising due to deficiency of vitamin C, it is related to Gastro-intestinal disorder.
• Sodium is necessary of nervous system.
• Vitamin D is essential for calcium metabolism.
• Cheese contains vitamin D.
• Vitamin C can not be stored in human body.
• Scurvy, arising due to deficiency of vitamin C, it is related to Gastro-intestinal disorder.
• Sodium is necessary of nervous system.
• Ground nut has maximum protein
• Digestion of fat in intestine is aided by Emulsification
• Hair, finger nails, hoofs, etc are all make of protein
• Deficiency of sodium and potassium causes muscular cramps, headache and diahrae
• Milk contains 80% water
• Milk is a complete food.
• Cheese contains vitamin D.
• Vitamin E is for reproduction.
• Deficiency of Thiamine causes Beri Beri.
• Glucose is the source of energy for human brain.
• Major component of honey is Glucose
• Three main food nutrients are carbohydrates, protein and fats. Other are vitamins and minerals
• Meat is rich in iron we need to make blood cells
• Eating of coconut increases man’s mental faculties
• Food poisoning can result from the eating of too much toadstools.
• Vitamin c is also known as Ascorbic Acid.
• Celluloses are carbohydrates.
• Milk contains lactose
• Ascorbic acid is essential for the formation of bones and teeth.
• Citric acid is a good substitution for ascorbic acid in our nutrition.
• A guava contains more vitamin C than an orange...#Adnan


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